Employee Experience: How to Upgrade the Employee Experience in the Remote Work Context?

Written by

OnBlick Inc.

Updated On

January 7, 2021

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Companies have been investing in employee experience in recent times, defining it as one of the most crucial parts of HRM resourcing. They use it to promote a work environment where the employees feel important, are encouraged to express their opinions, and rate their HR experiences. An open feedback policy also enables the companies to understand the problems faced by the employees and find ways to overcome those challenges to entitle them towards their work.  

In this blog, we are going to look over the importance of employee experience in an organization and ways you can elevate it with remote work situations.  

What is employee experience?  

Employee experience, as mentioned above, constitutes the way an employee interacts with their environment, and the way they interact with the company. It affects their relationship with the organization, work performance, productivity, and innovation, which in turn, affects the customer satisfaction of the company. Recent studies have shown that the productivity of the organization increases largely if they pay more attention to creating positive employee experiences.  

Why is Employee Experience important?  

While companies spend a large portion of their resources on improving customer experiences, they seldom forget the importance of employee experiences in shaping the company’s achievements and prominence in the market. Some of the areas affected by employee experience are as follows.  

• Employee Turnover

Employees that receive a welcoming onboarding experience leave with a positive view of the company’s work culture, and they form a bond with the company. It plays a huge part in employee retention, creating a perception of satisfaction with their work goals.  

• Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement portrays the relationship employees have with the company, and how they perceive it. When the workers are familiar and dedicated to the same goals as their organization, it creates an uplifting work environment for all.  

• Innovation and Production

If the employees are committed to their work and are satisfied with their position in the company where they are constantly encouraged to improve themselves, they become much more productive and innovative than those who work in similar work patterns. Innovations and increased production can increase work output and company profits.  

• Customer Experience

When the employees are more innovative, they are inclined to creating the most suitable products for the clients. If they are ready to make significant changes based on the clients’ needs, it becomes obvious that the employees have the right incentives for their work. This brings out enriching customer experiences and earns the company dedicated clients.  

How can Employee Experience be Improved during Remote Work situations?

Before diving into techniques that can help elevate the employee experience, it is important to understand that it is a personal concept, and every individual’s experiences can differ based on their self-actualization needs and their personal feelings. Some of the core characteristics of employee experience, as compiled through various studies include belongingness, purpose, achievement, happiness, and vigor. The following factors facilitate the above facets:

1. Technology

Remote work has largely been possible due to technology. Good technology and infrastructure tools form the basis of a good remote employee experience. The right tools and software made available to the workforce can aid them. The use of training helps to introduce and make the employees familiar with the IT and tools provided to them and a support team should be readily available in times of need. Cloud services and internal communication channels make it easier for the employees to maintain files and share them across with others.

2. Communication

The pandemic situation has left everyone drained and one of the easiest ways to understand the problems faced by the employees is to communicate with them. Communication does not have to be strictly confined to the workspace; it can be stretched to everyone’s personal lives as well. Leaders and HR professionals should interact with the workforce individually and provide more feedback that is positive. They should be encouraged to be in touch with their peers through team meetings and games conducted online. During isolation, workers have been actively looking for emotional connection and the company can play the role by encouraging them to support each other during these times.

3. Routines

In times where their lives are constantly swinging with household chores and working from home, routines can bring about a welcoming change in the lives of the employees. Setting up individual or team routines, specifying work hours can help the employees become more productive, and give them some time for themselves. Remote meeting routines can help the employees structure their day and reflect upon their work agenda.

4. Learning and Development

Many people seem to feel at loss or without a sense of purpose during remote work situations. Peer learning is preferred by employees over formal education along with their work. Instead of learning new skills, the employees can be encouraged to improve their skills to elevate their work. This may lead to career development in addition to their self-development. These enhanced skills can help them solve existing complex problems, and increase their self-esteem.  

5. Brainstorming  

The employees should be encouraged to share their ideas and they should find equal opportunities to present their thought processes for the same. It not only proves to them that they are noticed and appreciated but also presents brainstorming opportunities that can enhance the business. When employees have the space to be creative, they become more innovative and productive.


Creating a positive employee experience in an organization is a key factor in producing favorable business outcomes and a satisfied workforce. It facilitates the employees to be committed towards their work and stay in terms with the company’s long-term goals. It helps organizations create an enduring and modified work system during tough work situations as well. With the use of an ESS, the employees can access their personal and work-related information, and manage the tasks. Learn how OnBlick provides a gateway for all your HR processes and improves your company's employee experience.

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